From God's fullness we have all received, grace upon grace
Intercessions, The Eighth Sunday after Trinity 2022

Intercessions, The Eighth Sunday after Trinity 2022

By faith, with hope, and in the confidence of God’s promises, let us approach the throne of grace.

To the bidding ‘let us pray to the Lord’, please respond ‘Lord have mercy’.

Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

For all who hold authority as political, business or religious leaders, that that they may exercise their power with integrity and for the common good, let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

For the participants in the Lambeth Conference, that they may return safely to their homes with a renewed commitment to work for the flourishing of all God’s people and for the whole planet, let us…

For Robert our Bishop, the Dean and Chapter of this Cathedral, and all priests, deacons, lay readers and others in licensed ministry across the diocese, let us…

For monastics and other religious, for members of newer communities, for spiritual directors, pilgrims and those who watch and wait on God, for all Christians each in our various callings and ministries, let us…

That the Conservative leadership election may be pursued with the service of people and country at its heart, let us…

For all our elected representatives, in local and national government, and for international institutions that are working for peace and justice, let us…

[For the perpetrators of war and violence and those who follow their orders, for any who seek to profit from others’ misery, for all who knowingly or unknowingly practise discrimination, let us…]

For the peoples of Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Tigray, Somalia, and in all other parts of the world where there is war, ongoing conflict and civil unrest, let us…

For aid and development agencies, for advocacy groups and for all giving their time, money and energy in the service of others, let us…

For journalists working to expose wrongdoing, sometimes at the risk of their lives, let us…

For all who have asked our prayers, including those named in our service sheets and those we name in our hearts in a moment of silence… let us…

For those who care for the sick and dying; for all who are mourning the loss of a loved one, let us…

For all who have gone before us in faith and hope, believing your promise, including Judith, Alan, Ivan, Janet, and now have their treasure in heaven, let us…

And so, as we rejoice in our communion with Our Lady Mary, St Peter, and all the saints throughout the ages, we pray together: Merciful God, accept these prayers, for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Written for the 10am Eucharist at Exeter Cathedral, adapted from the pattern of intercessions at Malling Abbey. The other readings set for the Sunday and used in the service were: Hebrews 11.1-3,8-16, Luke 12.32-40.

The pattern of the litany provides a rhythm, praying as breathing, and helps to avoid the temptation of a) piling up empty phrases, and b) telling God what to do, as if God doesn’t already know what we need and isn’t already bleeding at the suffering of people and the rest of Creation. It also makes them shorter, which the congregation appreciates!