Let us pray.
Come O Holy Spirit, Breath of God…
Guide our prayer. Come as wind to blow away our cobwebs. Come as fire to purify our souls. Teach us to hear each other’s languages, spoken and unspoken, to listen, and to seek to understand. Spark and strengthen our sense of wonder, and help us to be patient with what we can’t yet grasp.
Breathe life into the Church worldwide. Raise up prophets in our time. Give inspiration to all who minister in any capacity, including in this place Robert our Bishop and the Dean and Chapter
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Come O Holy Spirit, Counsellor…
Give wisdom and compassion to the leaders of the nations, and all who hold earthly power. Speak peace and reconciliation wherever there is war and unrest. Speak through the members of international organisations and diplomats worldwide. Guide our national and local governments in working for the well-being of all.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Come O Holy Spirit, Advocate…
Take up the casue of the powerless. Bring justice where it is lacking. Encourage aid and development agencies in their work, and any seeking to level the playing field. Show the right path to all working to avert climate breakdown and its consequences, and to protect and enhance the environment and our planet home.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Come O Holy Spirit, Comforter…
Bring wholeness and healing to any who are suffering mental or physical illness. Be present and work through those who care for them. Dwell with all who are in trouble. Strengthen their hearts and bring light into their darkness. And bless those who are named on our service sheet, those who have asked our prayers, and all whom we name in silence before you now.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Come O Holy Spirit, Giver of Life…
Grant rest and eternal life to those who have died recently. Give hope to those who mourn them, and fill each of us and all creation with the abundance of your self-giving love.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Continue to come, O Holy Spirit…
Giver of Life, Comforter, Advocate, Counsellor, and Breath of God.
Amen and Amen.