Guided Meditation: Jesus speaks to the weary
An imaginative meditation on Jesus as he is teaching ‘I will give you rest’.
An imaginative meditation on Jesus as he is teaching ‘I will give you rest’.
A guided meditation introducing Centring Prayer as taught by Fr Thomas Keating OCSO; for use in groups.
A guided reflection on the story of Zaccheus meeting Jesus; in the style of Ignatian meditation.
An imaginative meditation based on Thomas Merton’s realisation that all people are walking around shining like the sun; for use in groups.
An imaginative meditation on Julian of Norwich’s description of her thoughts being led down to the seabed; using the approach of Anthony de Mello in Sadhana; for use in groups.
A meditation on Ephesians 4.11-15, on our common mind and growing up in every way into Christ; in the style of Lectio Divina; for use in groups.
A meditation on an excerpt from Encountering the Depths on our co-operation with God in prayer; in the style of Lectio Divina; for use in groups.
A meditation flowing between listening to our breathing, to exterior and interior, and to God; for use in groups.
A meditation on an excerpt from Encountering the Depths on our relationship with God; in the style of Lectio Divina; for use in groups.
A meditation using the list of contents in Awareness by Anthony De Mello; in the style of Lectio Divina; for use in groups.
A meditation on the story of Moses coming down from Mount Sinai with the skin of his face shining after talking with God; in the style of Lectio Divina; for use in groups.
The psalms were the prayer book of Jesus; from the temptations to the cross, he often quoted from them. They express all human emotion, from praise and trust to fury …
A guided reflection on the story of four friends lowering a paralysed man through the roof to Jesus; in the style of Ignatian meditation.
A guided reflection on the parable of the treasure hidden in the field, in different tellings.
An imaginative meditation on God as potter; using the approach of Anthony de Mello in Sadhana; for use in groups.
A meditation on the story of the feeding of the five thousand in John’s Gospel; in the style of Lectio Divina; for use in groups.
An invitation into encounter, through a guided meditation on the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5.
A meditation on turning aside to the miracle of the burning bush; in the style of Ignatian meditation; for use in groups.
Saturday’s Prayerdle was SMILE, which brought a smile to a friend’s face. So I thought I would write and offer this short meditation.
A booklet of psalms that can be recited day by day each month, set to simple psalm chants.
Prayerdle, an off-shoot of Wordle that can help you pray as you go through your day.
Set off alone and start walking. Find your own space and breathe deeply. Be aware of your own body. Feel your limbs and the ground under your feet.
An invitation into encounter, through a guided meditation on the vignette in Matthew 12.46-50.
Some notes on running a group reading The Cloud together. Through it, we hoped to gain a deeper understanding of prayer and through that to deepen our own prayer lives and relationships with God.
Initially a step into the unknown, group Lectio Divina over Zoom has proved to work extremely well; its very structured format holds open a space for deep encounters with both God and each other.
You are infinitely loved by God, and God is waiting and longing to be with you. Prayer is simply the expression of our relationship with God. But it is often mystified or diminished.
I wrote some material about prayer for the Cathedral website, with hope that it will help visitors deepen their relationship with God and draw them closer to the community of praying people in the Cathedral.
Thy Kingdom Come is a global wave of prayer uniting Christians around the world during the days from Ascension Day to Pentecost. From 30 May to 9 June 2019, Exeter Cathedral is hosting a special prayer room in the Grandisson Chapel tucked into the West Front. Based on the parable of the hidden treasure, I’ve set up a small installation with a small action to help people pray.
I led this workshop on the ancient monastic practice of Lectio Divina, as part of a Prayer & Spirituality Day at Exeter Cathedral.