From God's fullness we have all received, grace upon grace
Category: <span>Resources</span>

Category: Resources

Explore Prayer

You are infinitely loved by God, and God is waiting and longing to be with you. Prayer is simply the expression of our relationship with God. But it is often mystified or diminished.
I wrote some material about prayer for the Cathedral website, with hope that it will help visitors deepen their relationship with God and draw them closer to the community of praying people in the Cathedral.

Thy Kingdom Come 2019

Thy Kingdom Come is a global wave of prayer uniting Christians around the world during the days from Ascension Day to Pentecost. From 30 May to 9 June 2019, Exeter Cathedral is hosting a special prayer room in the Grandisson Chapel tucked into the West Front. Based on the parable of the hidden treasure, I’ve set up a small installation with a small action to help people pray.