Awareness walks
Set off alone and start walking. Find your own space and breathe deeply. Be aware of your own body. Feel your limbs and the ground under your feet.
Set off alone and start walking. Find your own space and breathe deeply. Be aware of your own body. Feel your limbs and the ground under your feet.
A word from Luke 1.57-66, the story of the birth of John the Baptist.
A word from Luke 7.18b-23, a conversation between Jesus and disciples of John the Baptist.
It is hard going against the flow of today’s culture, and waiting for anything. So it might be helpful to think in terms of waiting on God.
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: November 2021.
I don’t necessarily articulate in my mind my understanding of an action as my body performs it during the liturgy. Most of the time, I let that physical action be my expression of intention and my offering.
You are infinitely loved by God, and God is waiting and longing to be with you. Prayer is simply the expression of our relationship with God.
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: October 2021.
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: September 2021.
It is prayer hour in the convent chapel on a sunny summer morning. Dust motes swirl idly in the sun’s rays streaming through the high windows. The chapel is still, apart from a solitary blue bottle.
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: July 2021.
An invitation into encounter, through a guided meditation on the vignette in Matthew 12.46-50.
Anyone is invited to share in Jesus’ most intimate relationship: his relationship with his “Father in heaven”. Everyone may be a Someone.
I was increasingly feeling that I wanted to write more about my prayer and spirituality. I therefore started this new blog…
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: June 2021.
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: April 2021.
Some notes on running a group reading The Cloud together. Through it, we hoped to gain a deeper understanding of prayer and through that to deepen our own prayer lives and relationships with God.
Another in my very irregular series of ‘were I to have preached’… What happens when we look at the two stories of Mary Magdalene at the tomb and Doubting Thomas together?
In this year of quarantine, I have been observing a DIY Lent. I thought it would be wonderful to get together (via Zoom of course) with one or two different friends each week. Both of us bring a poem, or piece of poetic prose, or art, or music to share and reflect on.
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: March 2021.
My reflections during shared Lectio on the Gospel reading: February 2021.
There is a bi-i-ig difference between jigsaws and mosaics. Jigsaws have only one correct solution. Mosaic tiles can be pieced together in many different ways to create many different images.